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Members of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) research community are all responsible for sustaining the highest ethical research standards on behalf of the University and as members of the broader global research community. This is essential in order to earn and maintain a reputation for research integrity and to contribute to the scientific knowledge base in a transparent, honest, and principled manner. KAUST is committed to the highest ethical standards in research. To achieve this, we endorse and promote the principles and responsibilities included in the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.


One of the mandates of the Research Compliance Team is to promote research integrity through dialogue with the KAUST research community and relevant stakeholders. To promote a culture of responsible conduct of research at KAUST, the Research Compliance Team offers training in research ethics and integrity. The Office of the Vice President of Research supports training opportunities and encourages the research community to attend and participate in robust discussions about responsible conduct of research.

For more information on research integrity contact Research Compliance.

Credit photo: Anastasia Serin